

 WCA AD-3651 噪音和振动分析系统(1个单元16通道采集,可扩充至4个单元64通道)

  • 结构紧凑,仅A4纸(210 x 297mm) 大小
  • 24-位数模转换器
  • 实时倍频程分析
  • 通量获取到磁盘 (标准)
  • 支持交流、直流和备用电池 (可选) 供电
  • 100dB 的动态范围
  • 多路转速计输入
  • 多通路输入输出分析(标准)
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结构紧凑,仅A4纸(210 x 297mm) 大小

 The Compact WCA system from 4, 8 to 16 channels with single front-end hardware. 
Expansion to a 32-ch, 48-ch or 64-ch configuration is possible with a synchronized connection of several 16-channel front-ends. Flexibility is provided to allow two separate mainframes with 4, 8, or 16 channels to be operated as a single 8, 16, or 32 channel system, and vice versa, by synchronizing the dual mainframes.

 Flexible Menu Customization/ Routine Automation 
COM support capability enables complete control of the Compact WCA system with external application software such as Microsoft Excel. Customized menu design and automated routine processing are possible.


多功能分析软件WCA PRO 
WCA Pro, the base software for Compact WCA, can be used with Windows user interface. WCA Pro provides real-time FFT analysis for noise & vibration testing.

Optional licenses for integrating real-time octave analysis and tracking analysis are available. The system comes standard with throughput acquisition, allowing continuous copying of time history data to disk and repeated playback analyses. Off-line playback analysis with a standalone PC is also possible (option).

COM support capability enables complete control of the Compact WCA system with external application software such as Microsoft Excel.



Number of Inputs
Input Impedance
Input Coupling
Input Range
Trigger Source
4, 8, 16, 32 (32 by synchronized dual front-end connection)
-20dBVrms to +20dBVrms 
Input Channel, External Input (Optional), SG (Optional)
Frame Size 
Frequency Range 
Real-time Analysis 
A/D Converter 
Dynamic Range
64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536
1Hz to 40kHz
20kHz or higher on 16 channels(when a suitable PC is used) 

24 bits
100dB (Typical)
Time Function, Time Averaging Function, Spectrum, Auto-Power Spectrum, Complex Spectrum, Energy Spectrum Density Function, Power Spectrum Density Function, Cross Spectrum, Phase Spectrum, Frequency Response Function (H1, H2, H3, Hv), Ordinary FRF, Coherence Function, Multiple Coherence Function, Partial Coherence Function, 1/1, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12 Octave
Plot Window
Display Scaling
Max. 16 windows for simultaneous display
Max. 8 traces (2D display)
Auto/fixed scale, X-axis linear/log, Y-axis linear/log/dB, Z-axis linear/log/dB
2D display (Amplitude, Bode plot, Nyquist plot, Co-Quad plot, Orbit)
3D display (Map, Campbell plot, Color spectrogram)
 Block Arithmetic Functions
+, -, *, /, Complex conjugate number, Discrete fourier transform, Fast fourier transform, Inverse discrete fourier transform, Inverse fast fourier transform, Time-domain differentiation/integration, Frequency-domain differentiation/integration, Trigonometric function, Hilbert, Inverse Hilbert, Exponent, Logarithm, Natural logarithm, Amplitude, Phase, Square root, Envelope, Averaging, Acoustic weighting, Smoothing, Interpolation, 1/1; 1/3; 1/6; 1/12 octave
 Input section
Number of Inputs
Input Impedance
Input Coupling
Input Range
Trigger Source
4, 8, 16, 32 (32 by synchronized dual front-end connection)
-20dBVrms to +20dBVrms 
Input Channel, External Input (Optional), SG (Optional)
 Data Save and Recall
Analyzer conditions, Plot conditions, MFU files
 Print Output
Plot window, List display window
 Copy and Paste
Plot window (Enhanced metafile), Data list
2D Cursor Single cursor (X, Y cursor, Peak fit, Damping factor, Harmonic, THD)
Dual Cursor (Band cursor, Delta cursor, Overall, Max/min values)
3D Cursor X, Y cursor (Cursor cut in 2D slice possible)
 Data Management (Function Storage)
MFU file read-in/read-out, Plot (graphic) display, Data value list display (dB/Lin), Data value editing, Data attributes editing (channel label, coordinates, etc)
 Order Tracking (Optional)
Processing Constant ratio RPM tracking, Constant band RPM tracking, Order tracking analysis band width (frequency/order), Octave band tracking (1/1, 1/3, octave), Phase tracking, Cross spectrum, Transfer function, Spectrum map, Campbell plot, Color spectrogram
Max. Analysis Order
Analysis Order Range
3D Cursor
1600 degrees (at internal sampling)
6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 degrees
Spectrum map, Campbell plot, 2D slice from color spectrogram (order, frequency, record)
 Real-time Octave Analysis (Optional)
Analysis Function
Filter Method
1/1, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12 octave
Digital filter
1/1oct (ANSI S1.11, JIS C1513 Type II)
1/3oct (ANSI S1.11, JIS C1513 Type III)
Number of Bands 1/1oct 16Hz to 16kHz (11 bands)
1/3oct 12.5Hz to 20kHz (33 bands)
1/6oct 10.6Hz to 18.8kHz (66 bands)
1/12oct 10.3Hz to 19.4kHz (132 bands)
No averaging, Linear, Exponential, Peak
Weighting 0.001 to 1000 seconds
 Signal Generator (Optional)
Number of Outputs
Output Impedance
Signal Output
DA Converter
Signal Frequency
Waveform Attributes
1 to 4 (3 to 4 by synchronized dual front-end connection)
Voltage ±2.5V max.
24 bits
40 kHz max.
Sine wave, Pure random
Burst control, Lump control, Sweep control
3D Cursor X, Y cursor (Cursor cut in 2D slice possible)
External Dimensions
Power Supply
100(H) x 297 (W) x 210 (D) mm (protrusions excluded)
3 to 5kg
11 to 17V DC, AC adapter, Backup Battery (Optional)