



imc C系列特点: 


  • 可独立测量,也可与电脑相连测量;


  • 通道取样率最大100k Hz,纪录时间无限制;


  • 内建多样化的信号放大模组(ICP、电桥放大、热电偶),方便且精巧;


  • 8个数字信号输入通道,8个数字信号输出通道,4个模拟信号输出通道,4个编码器输入通道以得到RPM或位移量


  • 实时运算(Real-time calculation);多功能软件操作和运算;


  • 坚固的足以应付在试验室和外场试验;


  • 噪音及振动的分析;


  • 广泛的电力系统测量;


  • 结构的应力测量与分析;


  • 对不同的需求可扩展通道数;


  • 支持CAN-bus信号;


  • 支持TEDS sensor技术;


  • UPS系统使之断电也不会丢失数据



imc C-SERIES: Device Options



The imc C-SERIES is available in two housing options: CS and CL.


imc C-SERIE - Gehäusevariante CS  
CS: up to 8 analog measurement inputs depending on model   CL: up to 16 analog measurement inputs depending on model

In addition, all models come standard with:

  • 8 digital inputs
  • 8 digital outputs
  • 4 analog outputs
  • 4 counter inputs for capture of RPM, displacements, etc.
  • CAN-Bus interface with 2 nodes

Comprehensive, intelligent trigger functions; limit monitoring; minimum, maximum and mean value storage; as well as internal signal processors (Online FAMOS) for extensive real-time computing and control functions 


All-Purpose & Powerful: CS-7008 & CL-7016

The universality of the CS-7008 and CL-7016 is hard to beat. Whether measuring voltage, current, strain, thermocouples or current powered sensors (ICP), these instruments can measure pretty much everything.




  imc CL-7016
8 analog, universal measurement inputs;
For the measurement of bridges and strain gauges, current and voltage, thermocouples, PT100, acceleration (ICP);
100 kHz sampling rate / 48 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16-bit resolution (with internal 24-bit processing)
  16 analog, universal measurement inputs;
For the measurement of bridges and strain gauges, current and voltage, thermocouples, PT100, acceleration (ICP);
100 kHz sampling rate / 48 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16-bit resolution (with internal 24-bit processing)


Multi-channel & Affordable: CS-1016 & CL-1032

The CS-1016 and CL-1032 are affordable instruments for tasks related to voltage and current measurements with sampling rates up to 20 kHz per channel. The input channels are differential and equipped with individual signal conditioning including filters.




  imc CL-7016
16 analog, differential measurement inputs
for measuring voltage and current signals;
20 kHz sampling rate / 6.6 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution
  32 analog, differential measurement inputs
for measuring voltage and current signals;
20 kHz sampling rate / 6.6 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution


High-Resolution, Flexible Voltage Measurement : CS-1208 & CL-1224

The CS-1208 and CL-1224 devices are 8 or 24 channel high-resolution instruments for tasks related to voltage and current measurements with sampling rates up to 100 kHz per channel. These devices are especially well suited for demanding voltage measurements in the 50 V and low noise voltage range.




  imc CL-7016
8 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring voltage and current signals;
100 kHz sampling rate / 48 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution(with 24 Bit internal processing)
  24 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring voltage and current signals;
100 kHz sampling rate / 48 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution(with 24 Bit internal processing)


High-Resolution, Flexible Voltage Measurement w/Isolated Inputs: CS-4108 & CL-4124

The CS-4108 and CL-4124 devices are particularly suitable for measuring tasks in environments with uncertain potential conditions, such as on test stands or large machinery. The input channels are electrically isolated, differential and equipped with individual signal conditioning including filters.




  imc CL-7016
8 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring voltage and current signals, thermocouples, PT100;
100 kHz sampling rate / 11 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution (with 24 Bit internal processing)
  24 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring voltage and current signals, thermocouples, PT100;
100 kHz sampling rate / 11 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution (with 24 Bit internal processing)


Affordable, DC Measurements w/Strain Gauges: CS-5008 & CL-5016

The CS-5008 and CL-5016 devices are particularly suitable for quasi-static measurements with strain gauges. They can be configured via software for collection of quarter, half and full-bridge measurements. 




  imc CL-7016
8 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring w/strain gauges & bridges, voltage and current signals;
100 kHz sampling rate / 5 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution(with 24 Bit internal processing)
  8 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring w/strain gauges & bridges, voltage and current signals;
100 kHz sampling rate / 5 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution(with 24 Bit internal processing)


Top-Quality, Dynamic Strain Gauge DC/CF-Measurement: CS-6004 & CL-6012

For strain gauge applications, the CS-6004 and CL-6012 devices, with their wide dynamic ranges and high levels of flexibility, are absolute leaders in quality and performance. They can measure quarter, half and full bridges in DC or CF-operation.




  imc CL-7016
4 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring strain gauges/bridges (DC/CF), voltage and current signals;
20 kHz sampling rate / 8,6 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution (with 24 Bit internal processing)
  12 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For measuring strain gauges/bridges (DC/CF), voltage and current signals;
20 kHz sampling rate / 8,6 kHz band width per channel;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution (with 24 Bit internal processing)


Noise and Vibration Analysis: CS-8008

CS-8008 is an 8-channel universal measuring device with sampling rates up to 50 kHz and a bandwidth of 22.4 kHz per channel. Any desired ICP™ sensor such as DeltaTron® accelerometers and microphones can be supplied and be connected directly to the amplifier. Along with simple time-domain signals, the CS-8008 can also display linear frequency and 1/3-octave spectra.


CS-8008   8 analog, differential measurement inputs;
For direct connections with IEPE Sensors and voltage measuring;
50 kHz sampling rate / 22,4 kHz band width per channel;
Option without 1/3 octave spectra: 100 kHz sampling rate / 48,6 kHz band width;
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution (with 24 Bit internal processing)


Power Measurement: CL-2108

The CL-2108 is a compact measurement system, which is equipped with 4 inputs for current transformers and 4 inputs for direct connection of voltages up to ± 1000 V and has a protection class of 600 V CAT III. It can carry out single-, two and three-phase power measurements, offering a convincing combination of affordable price and high precision. An optional software package for network voltage analysis is also available.


CL-2108   4 inputs for current transformers;
4 inputs for direct measurement of voltage up to 1000 V;
100 kHz sampling rate / 14 kHz band width per channel
Aggregate sampling rate 400 kHz;
16 Bit resolution (with 24 Bit internal processing)



应用案例:《重庆大学》 2008年



【摘要】: 本文主要针对全地域车试验方法评价车辆的性能,基于Imc Device为硬件平台建立了车载便携式数据采集系统,开发了两个软件分析系统,一个应用于车辆平顺性评价,一个应用于操纵稳定性评价。 论文首先通过对相关国内外标准和汽车乘坐舒适性相关成果的研究,参照已经建立的全地域车客观评价方法的要求,以IMC Device为采集器,匹配相关的加速度传感器和电器元件开发了车辆道路舒适性测试采集系统。以Famos为软件平台,开发了振动舒适性软件分析系统。分析系统能进行信号读取、显示、频谱分析、加权处理、结果存储、报告打印。此分析系统集成了两种分析算法:频域滤波法和时域滤波法。 其次,参照汽车操纵稳定性评价试验方法,初步建立了全地域车的操纵稳定性评价试验方法。依据该方法要求开发了全地域车操纵稳定性试验测试分析系统。该系统以IMC device为硬件平台,匹配相关的GPS车速传感器、角速度陀螺仪等电器元件搭建了硬件采集系统,以Famos软件为软件平台,开发了进行各种操纵稳定性试验的后处理分析系统,该系统能进行报告自动生成。 最后,应用车辆车载道路试验测试系统和随机输入行驶试验方法以及操纵稳定性试验方法,完成全地域车实车道路试验,并对试验结果进行了分析,结果表明,具有可行性;开发的测试分析系统能够满足振动舒适性和操纵稳定性的测试要求。
【关键词】:车辆 舒适性 操纵稳定性 IMC 测试 
1 绪论8-14
1.1 车载道路试验测试技术发展现状综述8-9
1.2 汽车振动舒适性和操纵稳定性测试技术9-12
1.3 本课题研究内容12-14
2 振动舒适性和操作稳定性试验方法建立14-31
2.1 操纵稳定性评价方法14-19
2.2 振动舒适性评价客观评价方法研究19-30
2.3 本章小结30-31
3 试验硬件系统搭建31-38
3.1 硬件系统结构与工作原理31
3.2 传感器选型31-35
3.3 采集器与主机选择35-36
3.4 外触发设计36
3.5 联机采样技术36-37
3.6 本章小结37-38
4 分析软件开发38-54
4.1 软件开发需求分析与开发平台介绍38-41
4.2 概要设计41-44
4.3 详细设计44-50
4.4 软件使用说明与维护50-51
4.5 软件关键技术介绍51-53
4.6 本章小结53-54
5 实车试验分析54-66
5.1 振动舒适性试验与操纵稳定性试验54-56
5.2 结果分析与探讨56-65
5.3 本章小结65-66
6 结论66-67

